Sometimes people hit rock bottom in their life in such a way which they would have never imagined before. It can be a situation in their professional life or personal life which turns their life upside down. Divorce is one such situation which is a complicated and tumultuous process which involves two people and sometimes their children and other family members. It is not an easy decision. When two individuals decide to separate their paths forever, they must have reached a position in their relationship where they find nothing to give to their partner emotionally and it is then when they take this important step. It drains the individuals emotionally, as the legal process consists of a lot of procedures and at the same time their personal life is a complete mess. No matter how much you must be suffering from this situation, you need to undergo the legal procedures so that there does not arise a dispute between the two parties and they separate amicably. Evaluation of important assets so that they are distributed equally between the spouses is one such procedure which needs to be done in this process. This also includes evaluating the jewellery in divorce settlement.
There are several reasons why evaluating the jewellery is important in a divorce settlement. In this article we shall be looking at some of the important reasons regarding why we need to evaluate the jewellery in a divorce settlement. For evaluating your jewellery, you can take the help of expert valuers having in depth knowledge and experience in this field. You can also take the help of some renowned companies which provide you with expert valuers for this process. Prestige Valuations is one such company in the UK, where you find valuers providing you with services, such as probate jewellery valuation, evaluation of jewellery, watches, handbags and other important assets for insurance and other important situations, jewellery repairing and remodelling and so on. Let us now have a look at some of the reasons why we need to evaluate the jewellery in divorce settlement.

Provides Financial Transparency
One of the main reasons why people evaluate their jewellery during a divorce settlement is that it provides them with financial transparency. It is because over the years of their marriage, the jewellery purchased or received as gifts between the spouses may involve a substantial portion of their combined assets. Therefore, during the divorce settlement, it is important to have financial transparency so that both parties have the equal distribution of their marital assets. If the evaluation is not done properly, there are chances that one party may receive the maximum portion of the asset and the other may remain in disadvantage which is completely unfair. Therefore, it is important to search for expert jewellery valuers who can evaluate your jewellery accurately.
Prevents Disputes
Another important reason why evaluation of jewellery is important is that it prevents the dispute between both the parties so that the divorce proceedings take place smoothly. If a dispute arises, then it may lead to a prolonged divorce proceeding which may further escalate the legal cost. By evaluating the jewellery accurately from a professional, this unwanted situation can be avoided to a great extent and also will lead to an equal distribution of the jewellery between the spouses. For this one needs to present a comprehensive valuation report prepared by the professional valuer which should provide objective evidence and can lead to a smooth negotiation by minimising the likelihood of disagreement.

Preserves the Relationship
This is again another important reason why evaluation of jewellery in a divorce settlement is important. It preserves the relationship in an amicable manner even after divorce. Divorce itself is fraught with emotional strains and if disputes arise during the divorce settlement, it makes the situation more complicated and it can further lead to a strained relationship between the ex-spouses. Evaluation of jewellery leads to a transparent and equitable distribution of them between the two parties and this also helps in preserving the mutual respect and cooperation between the spouses, especially when children are involved.
Summing Up
These are some of the reasons why jewellery valuation is important in a divorce settlement. You also get to know the accurate value of the jewellery which keeps on fluctuating as per the market value. In short, evaluation of jewellery in divorce settlement helps you in so many ways.